
Building Recovery & Individual Dreams & Goals through Education & Support (BRIDGES) is a self-help program that provides education and support to and by people with mental health conditions. There are two parts to the program; courses on recovery and support groups. Classes and support groups are taught and facilitated by peers that have undergone an intense five-day training.

Emotional CPR (eCPR) is a hope-based public health approach to build strong, resilient, cooperative communities. eCPR will help prepare you to participate fully in your community and to provide support to others who may be experiencing an emotional crisis.
eCPR ways of being can be practiced both by people with mental health training and by those with no mental health training. If you already have training, we hope you will find the eCPR phases new and empowering. It is also valuable in deepening day-to-day communication.
eCPR was developed by people who have made it through emotional crisis themselves and learned how to integrate those experiences into a broader understanding of themselves and others.

Peer Support is the process by which a trained individual who has received mental health or substance abuse services gives non-judgmental, non-directive support to a peer who is experiencing a personal crisis. It is short termed and provided by a peer instead of a mental health professional. Findings show that peer counseling reduces hospitalizations, reduces use of professional services, increases knowledge and coping skills, increases self-esteem and confidence.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a personalized wellness and recovery system born out of and rooted in the principle of self-determination. WRAP® is a wellness and recovery approach that helps people to: 1) decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors; 2) increase personal empowerment; 3) improve quality of life; and 4) achieve their own life goals and dreams.